- Incorrect display of the random brightness option when restarting Desktop-Snow-OK
- General small adjustments to the Desktop Snow application
- Update of language files in DesktopSnowOK and minor improvements in De.sktop Snow.
- Optimization of the snowfall algorithm and some improvements
- General adjustments to the latest Windows 11 update
- Update of the language files in the Desktop Snow APP for Windows
- Improvements in the snowfall algorithm and in the rendering engine.
- Important tests of the Desktop Snow for the upcoming MS Windows operating system
- Necessary adjustments in the Desktop Snow for Windows
- Language file updates in the Desktop-Snow-OK.exe
- Bug-Fix: and small adjustments for the multi language strings support.
- Necessary Improvement in Desktop Snow OK for MS Windows
- New Code Sign Certificate for DesktopSnowOK.exe
- Important tests and verification of the Desktop Snow application on MS Windows Server 2025
- Necessary adjustments made for the new operating system
- Important update of the language files
- Small fine-tuning for Windows 11 in the Desktop Snow application
- DesktopSnowOK now offers random brightness option, which allows not only snow but also leaves, flowers and other objects to randomly fall on the desktop.
- In addition to random brightness, these objects can take on a variety of shapes and colors to create an even more dynamic and natural scene.
- It is crucial that the desktop Snow app is tested thoroughly to ensure that it works smoothly with the next MS Windows 11/10 update.
These tests will verify the performance, stability and compatibility of the application under various conditions and system configurations.
- Improvement in the desktop snowflakes rendering engine
- Update of language files
- Small corrections and optimizations in the uninstallation routine
- Bug Fix Determining the correct Windows system language for language support
- New code sign certificate for DesktopSnowOK.exe
- Essential tests of desktop snow app for next MS Windows 11/10 update
- Updated language files in the desktop snow application for all Windows operating systems
- Bug Fix: Rendering on some Intel 600 and 700 graphics cards
- Important update of the language files
- Small fine-tuning for MS Windows 11