- Added partial Danish translation.
- Updated Spanish language file.
- Updated Czech language file, updated language name to Ee?tina.
- Updated Portuguese (Brazil) language file.
- Updated Portuguese language file.
- Added new 'Reset Reserved Screen Areas" Internal Command. This will reset any areas reserved for the NextSTART taskbar and WorkShelf shelves, docks, etc - useful when Windows gets confused about areas of the screen that should not be covered by maximized windows. It will also reset any multi-monitor and per-monitor tasklists.
- The 'Renew Now' button will now also appear on the About tab of Preferences if the user's upgrade subscription has expired and he is running a version that no longer works with his current license key.
- Added all the Windows 10/11 Start button right click menu options to the contexct menu of a 'Start Menu' internal command.
- Added new 'Use Legacy Mode' setting, disabled by default, to the CPU Module settings dialog.
- If running on Windows 8 or above and 'Use Legacy Mode' is NOT enabled, the total CPU usage percentage displayed on the CPU Meter is now the same as that displayed on the Task Manager of Windows 8 onwards.
- System Interrupts is now also included in the list of processes and their CPU usage.
- Added "Check Service Communication" option to the Troubleshooting Options dialog. Verifies that the Winstep service required to perform actions that require admin privileges (such as installing a theme font) is operating properly.
- All Windows Settings internal commands now have individual icons instead of all sharing the same icon.
- Added new 'Settings' tab type, displaying all the Windows 10 and 11 Settings categories.
- Under Windows 10 and 11 the default shelf now has a Settings tab instead of a Quick Launch tab.
- Changed the wording of the uninstall survey.
- Added support for per-monitor tasklists: docks, shelves, drawers and even grid-stacks showing a list of running applications can now show windows open on all monitors or only windows open on the current monitor.
- Added global setting 'When using multiple monitors, show running applications on..." to the Tasks tab in Preferences with the following three options: "All tasklists", "Main tasklist and tasklist where window is open" and "Tasklist where window is open".
- Double clicking a folder in a Shelf tab or Drawer set to open folders as Grid Stacks will now open that folder in Explorer.
- Added ".webp" to the list of default thumbnail file types.
- Windows 11: The Search dialog (invoked via the Search internal command) should now pop up next to the mouse pointer.
- Text in the balloon tooltip of Wanda and the Lookup IP Address internal command can now be copied to the Windows clipboard by left clicking the balloon tooltip itself (just not the close button).
- Live preview thumbnails (for running applications) now fade out when clicked on.
- Added new 'Media Mute' internal command, toggles the mute state of audio being played.
- 'Check Internet Connection' in the Troubleshooting Options dialog box now also checks to see if HTTPS connections have been silently disabled due to previous crashes (caused by Acronis Active Protection injecting code into 3rd party processes) and offers the option to re-enable them if so.
- GEO IP feature that retrieves current location based on IP address is now performed through secure HTTPS connections as required by the GEO IP data provider.
- Added 'Allow Multiple Instances' setting to the Item Properties dialog of 'Run Program' item types. Allows launching multiple instances of the same application without having to press SHIFT or double-click even if 'Do not launch multiple sessions of the same application' is active.
- Added work-around to display correct "Legacy" total CPU Usage under Windows 11 22H2 onwards (Microsoft introduced a bug in this Windows release that broke all CPU usage reporting tools, including Windows own Task Manager under the Details tab, and to this date has not fixed it yet).
- Added system-wide fix for incorrect CPU usage reporting on Windows 11 22H2 systems to the CPU Meter settings dialog. This will fix incorrect per process CPU usage both in the Winstep application as well as 3rd party applications (such as the Details tab of Windows own Task Manager). This is accomplished by setting the REG_DWORD value SerializeTimerExpiration to 2 (off) under the key "HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerKernel" (note that changing this value requires a reboot for the new setting to take effect). Technical information about SerializeTimerExpiration can be found in page 160 of Windows Internals, Part 2, 7th Edition. WARNING: this value should NOT be set to OFF on systems that support Modern Standby (issue powercfg /AVAILABLESLEEPSTATES on CMD and make sure "S0 Low Power Idle" is NOT supported, this said the Winstep application should automatically disable the option to change this setting on systems that do support Modern Standby).
- Added new 'All Events' setting to the battery monitor module. Provided logging is turned on, this makes the module log power events such as monitor turning off, monitor dimming, monitor turning on, system shutting down, system entering or coming back from low power states, even when not on battery.
- Added 'Troubleshoot License Key Issues' button to the Troubleshooting Options dialog box.
- Improved handling of multi-monitor profiles and changes in screen resolution.
- The currently selected item was not updating itself correctly when creating a new shelf or drawer in the 'Dock and Shelf Management' tab of Preferences.
- The icon cache was not being destroyed as it should when modifying a shelf or drawer via the Shelf Properties dialog.
- Several misc.issues when editing and modifying shelf tabs via the Shelf Properties dialog.
- Wanda would stop swiming on the desktop after returning from sleep or hibernation.
- The 'Send to WorkShelf' dialog would crash the application when selecting a Grid Stack, a Drawer or a Shelf with no Regular tabs.
- Only Grid Stacks and Drawers with Regular tabs are now shown in the 'Send to WorkShelf' dialog.
- The CPU utilization percentage of the current CPU hog process in balloon tooltips was not respecting the 'Show decimal place for processes' setting.
- Windows 11: automatic theme colorization with the dominant color of the current wallpaper was not picking changes to static wallpapers (i.e. non slideshow) made by the user via the Windows 11 Background Personalization panel.
- Minimize animation now goes to the proper dock if using any of the per-monitor tasklist options.
- Fixed 20 year old bug that could prevent some right click context menu actions on files and folders from being displayed (for instance, Properties was not being displayed for folder items under Windows 11).
- Application would freeze under certain conditions when opening the Event Actions dialog of the Battery module.
- Issue that could sometimes prevent folders from being launched in Explorer after changing an item type to Folder in the Item Properties dialog.
- Windows would display an error message when trying to launch a folder marked as "Program" in the Item Properties dialog if the 'Run as Administrator' setting was enabled for that item. This setting is now disregarded if trying to launch a folder in Explorer.
- Trying to restore a minimized window via its live preview thumbnail while the window was being displayed on the screen was failing most of the time.
- Fixed bad mailto URI in the CPU and RAM usage warning dialogs (used ampersand character instead of question mark to separate subject line).
- If the 'Hide after launching an application' setting was enabled, shelves and drawers were collapsing before completing the launch animation.
- If the 'Hide after launching an application' setting was enabled, an accidental double click on a Grid Stack item could cause a shelf or drawer to literally disappear from the screen.
- Opening the settings dialog of a module and pressing OK after restoring or auto-arranging desktop module positions would under certain circunstances move that module to previous screen position.
- Mousing over the Hide/Show icon of a vertical shelf or drawer was not displaying the mouseover image.
- Updated Portuguese language file.
- Updated Bulgarian language file.
- Updated Chinese Traditional language file.
- Updated Dutch language file.
- Updated Czech language file.
- Updated Portuguese (Brasil) language file.
- Updated French language file.
- Added new 'Windows Widgets' internal command (Windows 11 only). Opens the Widgets panel in Windows 11.
- The Grayscale mouseover effect now supports a duration setting. In the slower duration the transition from grayscale to color and vice-versa is immediate.
- Improved transitioning to and from full screen apps plus handling of screen resolution and monitor number changes.
- Windows 11: the power, volume and network system icons are now part of the system tray icons again.
- Windows 11: clicking on the clock now shows the Windows 11 calendar instead of the Date and Time dialog.
- Windows 11: if Windows is using Dark Mode, the Winstep application will, when run for the first time, use Dark Mode Gray for the GUI instead of the Dark Mode Black used under Windows 10.
- Windows 11: Under Windows 11 the name and landing pages of some of the Windows Settings internal commands are slightly different from those in Windows 10 to reflect the changes in the Settings panel of Windows 11.
- The systray popup panel for Sound devices could appear off-screen when using multiple audio devices.
- For the MSN Weather data feed, the observation time and day/night icons could be wrong for timezones far from GMT.
- For the MSN Weather data feed, wind direction was always displayed as 0 degrees.
- A running UWP app would cause any context menu open on a tasklist live thumbnail to close once per second.
- Fixed Chinese/Far Eastern text getting cropped inside buttons in the GUI when the Interface mode in the About tab of Preferences is anything other than 'Standard User Interface'.
- Fixed error in the Weather module's METAR data decoder when converting Atmospheric pressure values from inhg to hpa.
New Features:
- Updated Portuguese language file.
- Updated Hungarian language file.
- Added Pause, Play, Stop, Next and Previous commands to the right click context menu of the Media Player internal command.
- The application's invisible main control window is now monitored to make sure it's not made visible again by 3rd party applications.
- Added new 'Windows Settings' internal command to open the Windows 10 UWP Windows Settings panel.
- The Most Active Programs History dialog now automatically adjusts font size to make up for very large process names.
- Added new 'Show decimal place for processes' option to the settings of the CPU Meter module.
When enabled, any list of running processes - like the one shown in the Most Active Programs dialog - will display a decimal place in the percentage of CPU usage for that process (e.g.; 1.3% instead of just 1%, or 1.8% instead of just 2%).
- Added several new internal commands for accessing Windows 10 settings dialogs: Windows Settings, Apps, System, Network & Internet, Devices, Gaming, Time & Language, Accounts, Personalization, Ease of Access, Phone, Privacy, Windows Update, Search Settings and Power Options.
These new Internal Commands are all grouped under 'Internal Commands - Settings' in the insert new item right click context menus.
- Sunrise and sunset times are now correctly calculated for the MSN weather feed, which allows choosing whether to display a moon or a sun icon with nearly 100% accuracy.
- An icon pointing to Explorer.exe in the dock now only displays a running indicator if there are Explorer windows open.
- The dock can now be docked to and undocked from any screen edge and monitor by simply dragging it (users can press the ALT key while left clicking to make it easier).
When docked it will show some initial resistance to being undocked by 'shaking' when about to detach. When docking or undocking by dragging, the Detach event sounds to give the user some audio feedback.
To dock an horizontal dock drag it so the top edge touches the top screen edge or the bottom edge touches the bottom screen edge.
To dock an horizontal dock to the side of the screen so it changes orientation, slowly drag it until the mouse pointer nearly touches the desired screen edge.
To prevent the dock from accidentally docking when moving it from one monitor to another, the auto-docking mechanism is speed sensitive: move across monitors rapidly to prevent the auto-docking mechanism from kicking in.
The auto-docking/snap-to feature can be disabled in the 'More Options' dialog of the Behavior tab of Preferences.
- The width of checkboxes in the User Interface is now automatically cropped so that clicking on a blank space right after the setting description no longer toggles the setting.
- Added 'Disable simulated ALT key press when forcing windows to the foreground' setting to the More Options dialog in the General tab of Preferences.
This should be checked only if having trouble with ALT+TAB or the ALT key getting stuck.
- The Winstep Update Manager will now report hidden updates if the user performs a manual check for updates.
- Increased the transparency of the non-lit LCD digits for better readability in full screen alarms/clock/sleep timer.
- Under Windows 10 viewing the Change Log could freeze the application for a long time or even crash it with an out of memory error.
- The 'snap mouse pointer to default button' feature only worked when using the 'Standard User Interface' mode.
- Disabling or Enabling icon reflections in the dock via the right click context menu would cause icons of UWP apps to show as question marks.
- Disabling the "Do not launch multiple sessions on the same application" setting would still require the user to double click on an icon to launch another session if the 'Combine dock icons with running applications' setting was also enabled.
- The sub-menu drop down delay setting in the Behavior tab of Preferences had no effect.
- On modern systems running more than 256 simultaneous processes, the CPU hog list might not accurately reflect the applications using the most of the CPU at the time.
This was fixed in the Winstep service by doubling the limit to 512 simultaneous processes.
- Themes with no name on the INI configuration file would appear on Theme right click context menus as blank entries. They now appear labeled as 'Untitled'.
- Certain SYSTEM processes were not being enumerated properly and/or always returned 0% CPU and RAM usage.
- METAR weather information retrival is now automatically disabled if the application crashes when using a 3rd party DLL to access NOAA's website via HTTPS.
- The MSN weather feed was not reporting the correct observation time for locations outside the GMT timezone.
- The first forecast day of the MSN weather feed sometimes pointed to the previous day, which caused the 5 day forecast to be out by one day (e.g.; the forecast for Fri would appear on the Sat slot).
- Albany Airport, Australia had the wrong METAR code and was showing the conditions for Albury, Australia.
- The 'Repeat every years> option for alarms was not working properly.
- Dropping a folder into the left panel of the Media Player Settings dialog would create a playlist with the name of that folder and all the mp3 files in it, but it would miss the very first file.
- Version 2004 of Windows 10 changed the default initial dimensions of system tray pop ups which now caused them to appear off screen.
- The fix in the betas for the first forecast day of the MSN weather feed being wrong ended up corrupting the current weather conditions.
New Features:
- Updated Portuguese language file.
- Updated Simplified Chinese language file.
- Under Windows 10 with Dark Mode enabled for the UI,
the color of the section category text in Preferences is always kept bright even if the currently selected Windows accent color is darker.
- Current multi-monitor configuration/profile is now saved on exit.
- Folder items set to open as menus can now be double clicked to open in an Explorer window instead.
- All the weather feeds now support HTTPS connections.
- Added new 'Light Mode' to the User Interface to match the new Windows 10 Light mode.
- When adding an URL item a default replacement icon is now used if the system does not have a usable class icon defined for HTML documents.
- By default screen edge bump activations are limited to the width of the dock to help prevent accidental activations.
Added new 'Activate along entire screen edge' option to the Edge Bump Settings dialog to disable this behavior.
- Updated Windows 10 style User Interface icons.
- Added new 'Say the Time' option to the action taken when clicking on the clock module.
- The 'Winstep Multi Media Player' helper application (WsMMPlay.exe) is now also shutdown when the application exits, just in case it needs to be updated or removed.
- Sticky Notes UWP app in Windows 10 is now handled properly in the list of running applications and when pinning it to the dock.
- The routine responsible for peeking window thumbnails could be interrupted,
which could potentially crash the application with an array locked error and leave most windows only partially visible or not visible at all, which could only be fixed by a Windows restart.
- Asus GPU Tweak II is no longer affected by AeroPeek emulation as it does not restore properly afterwards.
- The selected text effect for floating labels set in the Label Settings dialog was not being applied, the label always used the Outline effect.
- NOAA's weather feed had stopped working because the web site now enforced HTTPS access and no longer supported HTTP access.
- Fixed issue where METAR current weather conditions could show only a single 'Possible' word if no weather phenonema was present.
- Under Windows 10 the sndPlaySound Windows API call used to play event sounds was leaking memory and an handle every time it was called (for instance, every time the hide/show sound was played).
Fixed by adding the SND_SYSTEM flag which makes the sound be played by the system instead of from inside the application's own process space.
- Kb, Mb and Gb units shown throughout the application are now properly displayed as KB, MB and GB to prevent them from being confused with Kbits, Mbits and Gigabits.
- In Windows 10 it is no longer possible to capture the content of layered windows which resulted in all black thumbnails for icons of running applications.
- The next activation date of alarms set to go off yearly was not being correctly calculated.
New Features:
- Updated Portuguese language file.
- Floating label settings have now been moved to their own independent dialog, with immediate preview of changes.
- Type of text effect applied to floating labels can now be specified (Normal, Outline, Shadow, Sharp, Emboss).
- Opacity of the text effect applied to floating labels can now be specified.
- The luminosity of the background color used in the label preview box can be changed with the mouse scroll wheel.
- Moved the menu scaling setting to the Appearance tab of Preferences.
- 'Pin to Dock' right click menu option has been moved to the top of the menu.
- Themes can now also specify the running indicator image by including a 'NxIndicator.png/.tif/.ico' bitmap file in the theme folder.
The theme will only use that indicator bitmap, however, if the user has left the running indicator selection as 'Default' instead of specifically choosing an indicator from the list of available indicator bitmaps.
- Right clicking on a Folder item set to open as a menu and selecting Open from the context menu that pops up now opens the folder in Explorer.
- The Browse for Folder feature now uses a more flexible version of the dialog.
- Changed the default Capture Delay of the Capture Desktop internal command from none to 5 seconds.
- Added automatic multi-monitor profiles, allowing the dock to be at a different position for each monitor configuration.
Multi Monitor Profiles can be disabled in the General tab of Preferences.
- Thumbnail extraction should now be much faster as it now uses the local Windows thumbnail cache when available.
- Fixed some lingering issues with pinning some Windows Store Apps to the dock.
- Text greater than 10.pt with the outline and shadow effects was being rendered at a smaller size than it should.
- The balloon tooltip was not displaying file information if the filename was enclosed in quotes.
- Folder type menus invoked from a dock were still overlapping the dock icons when openning.
- Selecting 'Run As Administrator' from a context menu and then replying 'No' to the UAC prompt would result in a second UAC prompt appearing on a 64 bit system.
- The 'Run As Administrator' and 'Open Folder in a Menu' item attributes where not being carried over when moving or copying items via drag & drop.
- Clicking on a folder menu for the second time now closes the menu instead of closing it and immediately opening it again.
- Fixed issue displaying the icon of and the launching of some files with a filename containing non-ANSI characters.
- Fixed issue with drag & drop of some files with a filename containing non-ANSI characters.
- Monochrome 1bit icons (i.e.; no color bitmap) could crash the application.
- Animated icons were not being properly colorized when icon colorization was applied.
- The 'Disable menu scaling on high DPI settings' was no longer working properly after adding manual menu scaling in v18.10.
- Selecting 'No Effect' in the Effects Panel and then clicking on the Effect Settings button would crash the application.
New Features:
- Updated Portuguese language file.
- Added ability to colorize icons with one of three different methods (Tint, Hue, Tone) manually with a solid color or automatically with the dominant color of the current desktop wallpaper or the system Accent color (Windows 10).
- If Weather.com returns valid weather data but N/A for the current temperature, the weather module will now fall back on the redundant MSN and Yahoo weather feeds.
- The application might fail to enter or exit a Power Saving mode when configured to do so for full screen applications if the game changed the screen resolution or otherwise signaled a display change.
- Changed shape and size of dock label balloon backgrounds.
- The Snooze duration in the Alarm Settings panel of the Alarm itself can now be set up to 24 hours (the slider counts minutes up to 59 and starts counting in hour intervals after that).
- Menus can now be manually scaled by up to 200% (More Options dialog of General tab in Preferences).
- Dock right click context menus should no longer overlap dock icons when open, especially for a dock at the bottom of the screen.
- On Windows 10 hybrid UWP/Win32 apps were not being handled properly.
They could be pinned to the dock but trying to run them would only result in an error message that the path or file is not accessible being displayed.
- The right click menu option for changing playlist of the built-in Media Player wasn't doing anything if a music was playing or the Media Player was paused.
- Fixed several misc.visual issues related to menu scaling on high DPI settings.
New Features:
- New Arabic language file.
- Updated the Hungarian language file.
- Updated Portuguese language file.
- The balloon tooltip of the 'Check for Updates' internal command now displays the last check for updates date as 'yesterday at' or 'today at' instead of the full date if the last check for updates occured less than 48 hours ago.
- The 'Task Manager' internal command now also appears in the 'System' category.
- You can now disable voices independently of sounds and vice-versa.
- Added new 'Tone' colorization method to colorize black and white (monochrome) background bitmaps.
- Added new 'Colorize with Windows Accent Color' option (Windows 10 only).
- Added new 'Now Playing' right click context menu option to the Media Player internal command, allowing a song in the currently selected playlist to be selected and immediately played.
- Added 'Repeat every x days/months/years' setting to the alarms.
- Adjusted the position of dock icon labels for docks not using the magnify effect so the label does not 'sit on the edge' of the dock background bitmap.
- The 'Task Manager' internal command was not working on Windows 10.
- A dock set to auto-hide for maximized applications when always on top could fail to activate when the maximized application was no longer maximized if the dock was also set to display running applications.
- Fixed 'Respect space reserved by other docks, toolbars and screen objects' not respecting the space reserved by toolbars perpendicular to the dock.
- Fixed issue with the names of themes on a Themes context menu if the Themes tab in Preferences was currently open.
- The 'Colorize text' option in the Color Settings dialog was not being applied.
- Colorizing a dock background via the Color Settings dialog in the Themes tab did not update the preview image.
- Fixed issue where the alarm could fail to fire is set to midnight exactly.
- Moving icons in the dock via drag & drop caused the delete animation and delete sound effect to be played.
- Fixed glitch with UI scrolling in the Alarms Editor dialog that would happen if the mousewheel (instead of clicking) was used to change the Schedule combo box.
- Fixed potential issue when switching from the Themes tab in Preferences before the tab had a chance to load completely.
New Features:
- Updated Greek language file.
- Updated Indonesian language file.
- Updated Chinese Simplified language file.
- Updated Portuguese language file.
- Updated Portuguese (Brazil) language file.
- You can now drag & drop multiple .m3u playlist files into the Audio Files listbox in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player Settings dialog.
The audio files in the playlist are automatically retrieved and added to the currently selected playlist in the Playlists listbox.
- You can now drag & drop multiple .m3u playlist files into the Playlists listbox in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player settings dialog.
This automatically creates equivalent playlists in the Playlists listbox.
- You can now drag & drop multiple folders into the Audio Files listbox in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player Settings dialog.
The audio files in the folders are automatically retrieved and added to the currently selected playlist in the Playlists listbox.
- You can now drag & drop multiple folders into the Playlists listbox in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player settings dialog.
This automatically creates playlists with the name of those folders in the Playlists listbox and adds to each of those playlists the audio files inside each of the respective folders.
- Removed 'Save' and 'Save As' buttons from the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player settings dialog.
Playlists and their contents are now automatically saved.
When clicking the New button, the application immediately asks for the name of the new playlist.
- Clicking on a Playlist in the Media Player Settings dialog now selects that playlist for playing.
- Clicking on the Media Player icon when the audio is paused now automatically restarts the audio without opening the media control bar.
- Increased the horizontal size of the Playlist and Audio list boxes and moved the control buttons to the bottom in the Audio tab of the Alarm Manager and the Media Player settings dialog.
- The Media Player icon in the Media Player Settings dialog doesn't glow when playing audio if the 'Glow when playing' setting is disabled.
- Added another layer of redundancy to initial Weather module GEOIP localization by adding suport for Weather.com's Search API.
- Added new user definable URL for Weather.com's Search API to the Advanced dialog of the Weather Settings panel and also a warning not to change those values unless requested to do so.
- Volume slider in the Media Player Settings panel now affects the volume in real time if the Media Player is currently playing audio.
- The Media Player no longer resets the audio after pressing OK in the Media Player settings dialog, unless changes have been made to playlists or another audio file has been selected.
- Mouseover, Launch and Attention effects can now all be selected and set in the Effects panel without having to close the panel first.
- The Effects tab in Preferences now displays a visual representation of the currently selected Mouseover, Launch and Attention effects.
Different effects can be selected and visualized by clicking on the arrows or through the Effects panel, accessible by clicking on the icon itself.
- Moved the 'Edge Bump Settings' and 'Edge Swipe Settings' buttons in the dock Behavior tab to the Activation Setttings dialog.
- Added the 'Show Balloon Tooltip...' settings to the 'More Options' dialog of the dock Behavior tab.
- Moved the 'Blur Settings' button from the Effects tab to the Appearance tab.
- Added 'Disable dock scaling on hight DPI settings' and 'Disable menu scaling on high DPI settings' options to the Appearance tab.
- Moved the 'Edge Bump Settings' and 'Edge Slide Settings' buttons from the Behavior tab to the Activation Settings dialog.
- Moved the Animation Speed slider and Animation type settings from the Auto-Hide Settings to the Activation Settings dialog.
- Moved the 'Full Screen Exclusion List' button to the Activation Settings dialog.
- Moved the 'Auto-hide for maximized applications wehn always on top' from the Position to the Behavior tab.
- Removed the 'Bring dock forward...' settings from the Position tab since they are duplicated in the Activation Settings dialog.
- Added new 'Grab focus when activated' setting (enabled by default) to the Activation Settings dialog so users can make the dock NOT grab the focus when activated.
- Changed the timings of the 'Duration' setting for the Sonic Boom effect.
- The Unhandled Exception Manager now lists nested exceptions and offers more information for Access Violation errors.
- Added new 'Playlists' right click context menu option to the Media Player internal command, allowing an existing playlist to be selected and played without having to open the Media Player Settings panel.
- Speeded up a bit the rendering of animated icons on a magnifying dock with icon reflections by not rebuilding the reflections when the icon is magnified (since the reflections would never be seen anyway).
- Added new 'Delete Effect' category, with 11 different effects available to play when an icon is deleted (22 in Nexus Ultimate and Winstep Xtreme).
- Added new 'Delete Effect' category to the right click 'Effects' context menu.
- Added new 'Accept drag and drop icon customization only when ALT key is pressed' setting to the 'More Options' dialog of the Behavior tab in Preferences. Normally dropping a PNG, ICO or TIF file into a dock item will customize the icon of that item with the dropped image, but because documents can also be launched with a specific application by dropping them into an item, enabling this setting allows the opening of PNG, TIF and ICO files instead unless the ALT key is pressed.
- Added new 'Show Minimized Applications Only' setting. When enabled the dock only shows running applications that are currently minimized, and the buttons from those applications are removed from the taskbar.
This way 'active' applications appear in the taskbar and currently minimized applications appear on the dock.
- When the dock is showing running applications and is activated, the list of running applications in it now already appears up-to-date, instead of the dock re-synching only AFTER the activation animation.
- You can now drag and drop m3u playlist files and audio files directly into the Media Player icon.
- The Media Player Control Bar now also displays the current audio volume. Volume can be directly adjusted when the bar is open via the mouse scrollwheel (or the media control keys on the keyboard).
- Added several optional overlays to the Alarm Reminder window besides the default glass reflection: water drops, condensation, frost, ice, dirt, broken glass, flare, rainbow, christmas and halloween.
Glass reflections can now also be disabled by setting the overlay to 'None'.
- When using drag & drop the insertion point now only appears when the mouse pointer is moved into an area in-between icons.
This makes opening documents by dropping them directly into an application icon and customizing icons by dropping PNG files a little less cumbersome.
- Added optional 'Rain Effect' to LCD Alarms.
- The Media Player icon now flashes a subtle 'Pause' symbol when paused.
- The name of the dock can now be set in the Contents tab of Preferences.
- The Alarm Manager now displays 'No Alarms Defined' in the alarms list when no alarms have been defined yet.
- Added Cancel button to the Alarm Manager dialog. Only changes to settings can be canceled, not changes to the alarms themselves.
- Renaming a playlist now automatically updates all pointers to the old file name in the alarms and the Media Player.
- Editing an alarm with an audio file now displays the end of the audio filename in the 'Play Audio File' field instead of the beginning, to make it easier to recognize which playlist or audio file that alarm is associated to.
- LCD Alarms now remember their initial positions when toggling between window and Full Screen.
- WsMMPlay.exe is now launched ansynchronously whenever it's not already running and the application needs to play a media file - this prevents the application from temporarily blocking while Windows is busy launching the media player.
- The dialog was not being notified when audio had stopped playing after pressing the Play button in the Media Player Settings dialog.
- Fixed some potential form painting issues when moving the volume slider in the Media Player Settings panel.
- Alarms action description and activation dates in the Alarm Manager could be wrong if the alarms were not sorted by creation date.
- If 'Combine dock icons with running applications' was enabled, dragging a document over an icon on the left side of the dock (i.e.; one with a running indicator) was NOT bringing the associated window/application forward, forcing you to use ALT+Tab instead.
- The LED lights in the Glossy Black Alarm Bezel did not appear centered horizontally when the Alarm was resized.
- Alarm Bezel previews did not fit entirely in the preview box when their size was set to 120%.
- Alarm Manager tab headers were not being translated.
- The Media Player icon was not displaying the 'glow' effect when playing.
- Attention effect might not play under certain conditions.
- Fixed issues where settings existing on more than one tab in Preferences where not being carried over when switching tabs if the User Interface slide animation was enabled.
- The application's small control window, which should never be visible, would sometimes appear on the user's desktop, perhaps by interference of a 3rd party application.
It has now also been moved outside the viewable area.